Angular 16 features | angular latest version | angular latest version 2023

Unlock The Power of Angular 16 features

Welcome to the Angular Think Blog series, today We are Discussing with most Popular innovative framework Angular 16 features Practically & with examples.

Introduction :

Angular16 Developed and maintained by Google, We mostly use an open-source framework for developing MEAN stack web applications. Angular 16 features It offers you a robust range and a toolkit of features that you create dynamic, responsive, and scalable web applications. The Angular 16 features of the Angular frontend framework has been introduced by the Google team, 
The latest Angular 16 features introduces exciting improvements and updates to the development experience as well as better application performance and stability.

Angular latest version |Angular 16 release date  :

In angular latest version of Angular 16 release date on May 3, 2023, Angular v16 is considered significant and the largest release since its initial launch. 

angular 16

Angular latest version features | Angular 16 new features with examples

Angular 16 features signals is a library that enables the definition of reactive values and the status quo of dependencies among them. Right here’s a simple instance of how to utilize Angular16 Signals inside an angular application:

Signals are the latest feature that enables you to manage state changes within Angular applications. Inspired by Solid.js, Signals are functions that return a value using the get() method and can be updated by calling them with a new value using the set() method.

Angular16 Signals also enable the creation reactive value graph that automatically updates dependencies as they change and can be combined with RxJS observables, still supported in the  Angular 16 features to create powerful and declarative data.

@Component ({

     selector: 'my-app',
     standalone: true,
  {{ fullName() }} "setName('John')">Click</button>
  export class App {
     firstName = signal('Angular');
     lastName = signal('Think');
     fullName = computed(() => `${this.firstName()} ${this.lastName()}`);
     constructor() {
         effect(() => console.log('Name changed:', this.fullName()));
     setName(newName: string) {

The above code Angular 16 features snippet creates a computed value called fullName, which relies on the signals firstName and lastName. this latest version it becomes defines an effect a callback function that runs whenever the value of the signals it reads changes.

In this Example see that the fullName value depends on firstName and lastName so changing either of them triggers the effect. When the value of firstName is set to Angular think, the browser logs the following output message to the console:


Name changed: Angular Think.

2. Angular standalone component -

Starting from Angular 16 features, you can create new standalone projects right from the beginning! To try out the developer preview of the standalone schematics, ensure that you have Angular CLI v16 installed and run the following command:

This feature in the current Angular version 16 enables you to enhance your documentation and schematics and assists you in producing standalone components for your angular latest version 2023 applications.
this Angular application's standalone components are not affected by any specific module and can be utilized in your application. Such components are advantageous in developing reusable libraries' UI elements.

                                ng  generate  @angular / core : standalone

Standalone ng new collection

                                ng  new  -- standalone

By doing this, you will obtain a simpler project structure without any NgModules. Furthermore, all the generators in the project will produce standalone directives, components, and pipes !

3. Automatic Route Params Mapping

Consider a routing configuration as follows:

export const routes: Routes = [{

     path: 'search:/id',
     component: SearchComponent,
     resolve: {
         searchDetails: searchResolverFn

Before Angular 16, you needed to inject the ActivatedRoute service to retrieve URL parameters, query parameters, or associated data for a particular URL.

Here's an example of how you had to do it:


  export class SearchComponent {
     readonly #activatedRoute = inject(ActivatedRoute);
     readonly id$ = this.#activatedRoute.paramMap(map(params => params.get('id')));
     readonly data$ ={
     }) => searchDetails);

With Angular 16, you no longer need to inject the ActivatedRoute service to retrieve various route parameters because you can bind them directly to component inputs.

To activate  Angular16  this functionality in an application that uses the module system, set the corresponding value in the RouterModule options:

RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {

     bindComponentInputs: true

For a standalone application, you need to call a function instead:

provideRoutes(routes, withComponentInputBinding());

Once you activate this functionality, the component becomes much simpler:


  export class SearchComponent {
     @Input() id!: string;
     @Input() searchDetails!: SearchDetails;

4. Required Input

A most important feature for the  Angular16 community developer is the ability to mark certain inputs as required. like raising an error in the NgOnInit lifecycle if the variable was not modifying or defining the component's selector to include the mandatory inputs.

Angular feature both of these solutions had their advantages and disadvantages. Starting from Angular16, making an input required is as simple as providing a configuration object in the metadata of the input annotation:

     required: true
  }) name!: string;


The Angular developer community recognizes the process of converting server-side rendered HTML content into a fully interactive and functional web page on the client side by attaching JavaScript behavior and event listeners.  

Angular16 has partnered with the Chrome Aurora Team to improve the performance and developer experience of hydration and server-side rendering. While React and Next.js already had hydration support, it was a complex feature to implement in Angular. However, in the latest version of Angular, hydration is supported out-of-the-box, making SSR applications faster and smoother.

Angular 16 new features with examples | angular latest version features

The standard Angular 16 features of Angular 16, combined with the abovementioned improvements, provide developers and tech enthusiasts with an enhanced experience and improved code quality for Angular applications.

Support for CSS Isolation:

angular latest version Angular 16 brings support for CSS isolation, a feature that helps prevent conflicts between component styles. Developers can now scope component styles to specific elements using either shadow DOM or emulated encapsulation. 

This selection guarantees that patterns defined inside a componenaspect do no longer have an effect on other components, promoting modularity and encapsulation. With css isolation, developers could have better control over styling and avoid accidental style interference in complicated angular programs.

Improved Security against XSS Attacks:

Angular 16  strengthens safety features by using introducing local relied on sorts assist. Relied on kinds of policies on how strings are utilized in touchy contexts in the browser. This enhancement affords a safer environment for  sanitizing and coping with consumer input, mitigating the risk of go-website online scripting (xss) assaults. By means of depended on kinds in angular 16, builders can ensure that doubtlessly dangerous strings are rejected or treated securely, lowering the vulnerability to xss attacks and enhancing general utility protection.

Dynamic Imports of Router Data:

Angular 16 simplifies the binding of router records to issue inputs by way of introducing dynamic imports of router information. Developers can effortlessly access router data with out the need to inject the activated-route service,  resulting  in cleanser and more concise code. This feature improves code readability and decreases the dependency on outside services, the preserve and scalability of angular programs.

New Date Range Picker Component in Angular Material:

Angular sixteen consists of a new date range picker component in Angular Material, the ui issue library that follows the material layout hints. This component lets in users to select begin and cease dates quite simply from a calendar interface. The addition of this selection expands expands the functionality and person enjoy of angular 16 features, providing a seamless way to enter date stages. The date variety picker component, developers can enhance their internet applications with intuitive and visually appealing date selection talents.


In this blog, the purpose is to provide new updates & upload new functions of Angular 16 features capabilities framework to used builders within the software through enhancing development enjoy and overall performance, angular model sixteen brings interesting updates like Angular version 16 capabilities angular alerts for coping with records, standalone task introduction, computerized direction params mapping, required inputs, and integration for advanced improvement. These Angular 16 features enhancements improve the improvement revel in and increase application performance.


1)What are key features of Angular16?

Ans -The recent launch of Angular version 16 introduces exciting updates and improvements to the development experience, as well as better application performance and stability key features Angular Signals, Standalone ng new collection, Automatic Route Params Mapping and Non-Destructive Hydration Read more ...

2)When was Angular 16 released?

Ans- The latest release of the popular frontend framework Angular has been introduced by the Google team, with the Angular 16 release date on May 3, 2023. According to Minko Gechev, Angular v16 is considered significant and the largest release since its initial launch. Read more ...

3)What is ng means in Angular?

Ans - In Angular special attributes starting with ng - prefix where ng stands for Angular. AngularJS includes various built-in directives, you may also create your own directive in AngularJS. Some built-in directives are listed here. Read more ...