Angular Decorators : types of decorators in angular

Angular 16 Decorators: Practical Guide with Examples


The most recent variant of Angular Decorators is a strong powerful feature element that considers passing metadata, engineers can modify the way of behaving Angular applications. They provide a way to add metadata and modify different types of Angular Decorators like classes, properties, and methods as well as Parameter use at design time. 

Angular Decorators

In this article, we will examine new and senior creators of Angular decorators through and through and give feasible advice for displaying their use and benefits.


Angular decorators are invoked special functions that can be attached to different types of classes, class decorator properties decorator and methods decorator, and parameters decorator this decorator starts with using the @ symbol. 

They give a method for expanding or changing the way of behaving of these components without adjusting and modifying their implementation. their execution.

Decorators play an important role in Angular's dependency injection and also we used the Latest version features such as component metadata, routing, and more.

What are the Types of decorators in angular -

             Angular decorators are invoked special functions that can be attached to different types of Decorators such as,

1] Property Decorators -    ( @Component and @ngModel )
2] Property Decorators -    ( @Input and @Output )
3] Method Decorators -      ( @HostListener )
4] Parameatar Decorators -  ( @Injectable )

1] Property Decorators -  ( @Component and @ngModel )

A)Component Decorator: class decorators in angular

The @Component decorator is widely by default used in Angular to define a component. 
It permits us to indicate the metadata for the part, like the selector, layout, styles, and that's just the beginning. We should think about  an example:


  selector: 'app-example',
  template: '<p>This is an example component.</p>',
  styles: ['p { color: blue; }']
export class ExampleComponent {
  // Component logic goes here

2] Property Decorators -  ( @Input and @Output )

@Input and @Output: These decorators allow data flow between parent and child components.
@Input Decorators used to transfer data parent to a child component,
@Output Decorators are used to transfer data child to the parent component.
@Input is used to bind data to a component from its parent, while @Output emits events to the parent component Angular decorators.


  selector: 'app-child',
  template: '<button (click)="sendMessage()">Send Message</button>'
export class ChildComponent {
  @Output() message = new EventEmitter<string>();

  sendMessage() {
    this.message.emit('Hello from child component!');

3] Method Decorators -  ( @HostListener )


It declares a @HostListener, Angular 16 will invoke the Angular decorators method  when the host element emits the specific event,

@HostListener will listen to the event emitted by the host element that declared @HostListener

This decorator allows the directive to listen to specific events on the host element and execute custom logic in response.


  selector: '[appClickLogger]'
export class ClickLoggerDirective {
  @HostListener('click', ['$event'])
  onClick(event: MouseEvent) {
    console.log('Clicked!', event);

4] Parametar Decorators -  ( @Injectable )

Administration decorators are accustomed to upgrading Precise administrations, which are liable for taking care of business rationale and giving information all through the application Angular decorators. Some ordinarily utilized help decorators include:

What is Used Of @Injectable?
@Injectable decorator defines class as a service in Angular, Angular Allows to inject into a component as a dependency,

the component, class, Pipe or ngModel has dependency as a service.

@Injectable: This decorator marks a class as an Angular service and enables it to be injected as a dependency.


  providedIn: 'root'
export class DataService {
  // Service logic goes here

@Inject: This decorator is used to inject dependencies into a service or component.


export class ExampleService {

  constructor( @Inject(HTTP_INTERCEPTORS)
               private interceptors: HttpInterceptor[]) {}


Letest V16 Angular decorators is a strong method for expanding and tweak the way of behaving of Precise applications. They empower the formation of reusable and measured code by isolating worries and adding metadata to classes decorators, properties decorators, Parameter decorators and techniques decorators.

In this article, we have investigated sorts of Angular decorators, functional instances of utilizing Rakish decorators, incorporating the underlying @Component decorator, making custom decorators, and involving decorators for approval.

By the Advantage of the flexibility of decorators and developers can implement use their Angular projects, Angular 16 improves code readability and create more maintainable and scalable applications. Developers can easy Understanding and mastering with decorators is an Angular16 skill for any Angular developer and with these practical examples.

Read More Angular :


1)What is the use of Angular decorators?
Ans - Angular decorators are essential in the Angular framework to enhance component, module, and service functionalities. They are utilized to clarify classes and their individuals with metadata, empowering Rakish to successfully comprehend and handle these components. Decorators work with highlights, for example, reliance infusion, part lifecycle snares, layout delivering, and directing arrangement. By using decorators, architects can stay aware of cleaner and more clear code while actually managing application reasoning. These remarks expect a vital part in making dynamic, estimated, and extensible Daring applications, propelling code reusability and suitability. read more

2)What is the difference between @input and @ViewChild?
Ans - @Input is a parent's part to pass information into a youngster's part by restricting a property. This empowers information to move from parent to kid.
@ViewChild, then again, permits a parent part to get to a kid part or component in the DOM. It's valuable for controlling or getting to properties or techniques for the youngster part.
In rundown, @Input is for passing information from parent to youngster, while @ViewChild is for getting to and cooperating with kid parts or components in the parent part. read more

3)Is @component a directive or decorator?
Ans - @component is a decorator in Angular.