Benefits Angular Lazy Loading with example | Angular Lazy Loading

Benefits Angular Lazy Loading with example

Build your expertise in Angular Lazy Loading as we find out about its benefits and implementation. Discover the artwork of loading additives on demand, optimizing purchaser user enjoyment, and improving software performance.

Introduction -

In web development, angular has a powerful framework for developing dynamic and sturdy web applications. One of its maximum dynamic features is Angular Lazy Loading  This was a technique that revolutionized On Demand, how components are loaded within an application. Angular Lazy Loading This approach gives an unbroken user revel by way of loading components on demand, thereby optimizing software's overall performance and speed.

Benefits Angular Lazy Loading with example

The Magic Behind lazy loading in angular -

Angular lazy loading operates on easy information in their precept. lazy loading in angular place of loading all components when the application starts, it defers the loading of positive components which can be clearly wished.  The angular lazy loading method substantially improves the preliminary loading time of the application. Believe a user getting access to a specific feature of your app – in preference to loading the entire app right now, simplest the necessary additives are fetched, leading to quicker loading times and a smoother experience

In this Article we Learn Lazy loading is a method used to load only the necessary parts of your application when they are needed, instead of loading the complete software prematurely. This can considerably enhance the preliminary loading time and average overall performance of your angular application.

Benefits Angular Lazy Loading -

1. Enhanced Performance: By loading most effective the specified components, Angular Lazy Loading dramatically improves the application's speed and responsiveness. This results in a more satisfying user experience.

2. Reduced Initial Load Time: The technique minimizes the preliminary load time of your application, making it extra appealing to customers who demand quick right of entry to to content material.

3. Optimized Efficiency: With the capability to load components on demand, 
Your software conserves resources and memory, main to greatest performance.

Implementation Process  -

Implementing Angular Lazy Loading requires a structured approach:

Create the Feature Module: First, create your feature module using the Angular CLI or manually.

ng generate module products --routing

Step 1: Set Up Routes

Begin by configuring routes for your application. Divide your components into feature modules and assign routes accordingly.

  • Define Routes: In the products-routing.module.ts file of your "ProductsModule", define the routes specific to this module. These routes will be loaded lazily when the user navigates to them.

// products-routing.module.ts

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
import { ProductListComponent } from './product-list/product-list.component';

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '', component: ProductListComponent }

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class ProductsRoutingModule { }

Step 2: Lazy Load Modules

For each feature module, enable lazy loading by utilizing the `loadChildren` property in your route configuration. This property specifies the module that should be loaded when the associated route is accessed.

  • Lazy Load the Module In your main application's routing configuration (usually app-routing.module.ts), use the loadChildren property to specify the path to the lazily loaded module. The loadChildren property takes a string that points to the module's file path relative to the src/app directory.

// app-routing.module.ts

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'products', loadChildren: () => import('./products/products.module')
.then(m => m.ProductsModule) },
  // Other routes

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

  • Lazy Loaded Component: In your lazy loaded module's component (for example, product-list.component.ts), you can create the important components and templates.

// product-list.component.ts

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-product-list',
  template: `
    <h2>Product List</h2>
export class ProductListComponent {
  // Component logic here

Step 3: Enjoy the Benefits

It truly is it  lazy loading modules in angular and also, the way it successfully improves net app performance. Now, when a user navigates to the /products route on your utility, angular will load the " product_Module" and its associated additives best while needed, optimizing the initial loading time.

With lazy loading in region, your application will efficiently load components as customers have interaction with numerous features, making sure a smoother and quicker consumer experience.


In this article, we learn about the maximum dynamic function is  angular lazy loading, this was a way for seamless consumer enjoy through loading components on call for, thereby optimizing application overall performance and speed,
Angular lazy loading stands for improving the preliminary loading time of web development

With its potential to decorate application overall performance, reduce initial load times, and offer a seamless user enjoy experience, it has become an indispensable tool for developers.  As we journey thru the problematic international of Angular Lazy Loading, let us remember that innovation knows no bounds, and with the right techniques & strategies, we can create digital stories that go away a long-lasting impact.

#Angular_Lazy_Loading, #component_loading, #web_development, #application_performance, #initial_load_times, #user_experience, #SEO_optimization, #implementation_process. 


1.What is Lazy Loading in Angular with simple example?
Ans - Angular Lazy Loading is a technique that defers the loading of certain components on demand in an application until they are needed, enhancing performance and user experience. all other modules could be lazily loaded on demand after the application started.

2.How to check Lazy Loading in Angular?
Ans - Lazy Loading optimizes efficiency by loading only necessary components, conserving resources and memory usage.

3.What are the three types of loading in Angular?
Ans - Eager Loading: used to load core modules and feature modules that are required to start the application. 
Pre-Loading: used to load specific feature modules that are very likely to be used soon after the application started. 
Lazy Loading: all other modules could be lazily loaded on demand after the application started. read more

4. Is Lazy Loading suitable for all types of applications?
Ans - Yes, Lazy Loading can benefit various types of applications, especially those with multiple features or complex components.

5. Does Lazy Loading affect initial load times?
Ans - Lazy Loading significantly reduces initial load times by loading only essential components at the beginning.

6. What's the key advantage of Lazy Loading?
Ans - The primary advantage of Lazy Loading is its ability to enhance application speed and responsiveness by loading components as needed. read more