Introduction :

Hello Developers, I am Excited to writing a detailed brief article on the Angular latest version 17. I know that we all are most excited to work with Angular latest version is Angular 17, The Angular_Thik Team said that the 17 main reasons to love Angular 17 are ❤️ latest version.

Angular 17 | Angular latest version

In this article, we learn about Angular's latest version release date, the new Angular Logo within its new style it's so Amazing look and Angular 17 latest version features

* Angular 17 release date :
Angular 17 will be released on 8th November 2023, With in new style new Angular Logo and so Amazing features.
* Angular 17 new features :

👉 Angular 17 logo -
    We all are most excited to the new Angular Logo with in a new style it's so Amazing look to see in below. 

Angular 17 | Angular latest version

👉 angular latest version Angular 17  2023 features - As Angular developers, we must know that official angular material Documentation Site.

👉 Angular 17 signal -

In Angular 17 the Angular Signals has been changed build . 
the angular 17 new features is API of the signal has been changed, We not use no mutate() method and also different signal effect() and runs after the ngOnInit()     lifecycle method.

We know that Local Change Detection their is also important change. Must bee used signal with using the method onPush() for Change Detection.
 In Angular 17, the API of the Angular signal has been changed. 

In letest version you can create a signal ⤵️ simple syntax with example:

count : ExampleSignal <number> = signal(100);

Now 'ExampleSignal' has define in follow method: 

👉 set()
👉 update()
👉 asReadonly() 

Note : In latest version We do not have the mutate() method to use anymore for a signal

👉 Hydration is an important feature on Angular's latest version so many updates in Angular Hydration.

👉  Let Angular 17, they also some changes in complex syntax see that New Control Flow syntax

👉 We can communicate component from parent to child we can Transformational messages one to another by using the @Input method there is also some changes in letest version.

👉 Styles without an array

👉 What is a "Deferred Loading" in Angular 17  

We can Lazy load allows a chunk of the application or resources to be downloaded in the browser when required. 

In on demand loading called as lazy loading, In Angular 17 this concept you can reduce the initial bundle size of the application and network requests so that the application loads faster. So far, there are two major ways to lazy load a component in Angular.

👉 Using lazy load routes
👉 In Lazy loading a component we must be import a statement.

const {HelloComponent} = await import('./hello/hello.component');

Angular 17 provides the letest new feature “ Defer Block.” It allows us the lazy loading concept. You can put the following items inside the deferred block.

👉HTML elements such as h1, h2 

Then You can easily lazy load ExampleComponent using the deferred block feature as below.

@defer (when Example){

👉 The letest version Server-Side Rendering improvements is also importan

👉 In Angular 17 new features SSR, new application builder we must the command installing SSR in your project  -> ng new app --ssr

👉 The latest version of Angular 17 features Internationalization improvements in material.

👉 We can test the version easy to build and Better performance with ESbuild

👉 Angular 17 Pipe also changes in Using toSignal() as an async pipe with rejectErrors options to mimic async pipe error behavior.

👉 In View Transition API support for router to use CSS for animation.

👉 In Angular 17 On the demand Loading Module we can also new updates in the Lazy-loaded Animation Module -

👉 Latest version of functional Interceptor by using command  > ng g i 

In #Angular 17, the checkNoChanges() method has been deprecated from the ChangeDetectorRef service,

In Earlier version it was there is to Check whether the CD ran for a component or children component. 

You can still use it for testing with ComponentFixture, and the application code should not use the checkNoChanges() method directly.

* Their is Two essential points about Letest version angular 17 is "defer block"

👉In Dependencies inside a defer block we can not be read as a ViewChild() method.

👉In Dependencies inside a defer block we must be read standalone component. 
   So, We can put a module component in your project then inside a @defer block can be always loaded eagerly.

Angular letest version 17 will be released on 8th November 2023. I will write detailed blog posts on the above #angular17 features. 


In this article we learn about the latest Angular version of Angular 17 and Angular team introducing features of Angular 17 release in 2023.
Angular 17 is highest version of Angular they overcoming so mutch updated feature in this article.

Angular 17 mostly we learn about lazy load routes updated feature, Angular 17, the API of the signal has been changed. Two essential points about angular 17 defer block.he Angular is so mutch updated feature added in the letest version 
like Angular Signals, Hydration, Server-Side Rendering improvements, Control Flow syntax, lazy-loaded Animation Module, new feature called “Defer Block.” 

It allows the lazy load of content.Angular 17 You can put the following items inside the deferred block. Component, Directive, Pipe, HTML elements such as h1, h2. You can lazy load GreetComponent using the deferred block feature as. that's why the Angular is topest used framework in the developer's point of view in 2024.


1.What's new Angular 17?
Ans - latest Angular version of Angular17 new Angular Logo with in new style comes with a new feature called “Defer Block.” It allows the lazy load of content as wel Angular 17, the API of the signal has been changed, No mutate() method, effect() runs after ngOnInit(), New Control Flow syntax, lazy-loaded Animation Module and so more . Read more.

2.What is latest Angular version?
Ans- The Angular latest version was Angular 17, The letest version of Angular release in 9/Nov/2023. their is Updated feature included letest version.

3.What are the features of Angular 17 release?
Ans- New release latest Angular version of Angular17 updated feature in Angular Signals. No mutate() method, effect() runs after ngOnInit(), Hydration, Server-Side Rendering improvements, Angular17 new Angular Logo within new style comes with a new feature called “Defer Block.” It allows the lazy load of content.

4.Is Angular good in 2023?
Ans- The Angular is so much updated feature added in latest version 
like Angular Signals, Hydration, Server-Side Rendering improvements, Control Flow syntax,lazy-loaded Animation Module, new feature called “Defer Block.” It allows the lazy load of content. You can put the following items inside the deferred block. Component, Directive, Pipe, HTML elements such as h1, h2 . You can lazy load GreetComponent using the deferred block feature as. That's why the Angular is topest used framework in developers point of view 2024.

5.What is the highest version of Angular?
Ans- The highest version of Angular is Angular 17, The latest version of Angular released on 9/Nov/2023. there is an Updated feature included latest version.

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