Exciting angular 18 features | Angular 18

 Exciting Features of Angular 18 You Can't Miss :


In this article, we see that Angular 18 UI Developer's point of view the improvements in server-side rendering as well as creating high-quality, performant, and inclusive applications is more achievable than ever.

Angular 18 represents in the evolution of this powerful web application framework. in its most reactivity model, standalone components, improved build-in performance, advanced template type checking, and also full ESM support, Exciting Features of Angular 18 provides a robust set of tools and features that improve to modern web development.

Angular 18 |  Exciting Features of Angular 18

---> Angular 18 release date - 22 May 2024 

 What's new angular 18 -
In Angular 18 takes standalone components to the next level, Standalone components can lead to better tree-shaking, project build in smaller bundle sizes and faster load times. Angular 18 error detection and debugging capabilities help in quickly fixing issues, In Angular 18 SSR updates make it easier to build performant and SEO-friendly applications. More efficient lazy loading strategies that mostly load only the necessary parts of the application when needed.

Install angular 18 -
Angular latestusing version we can upgrade new version used this command
> npm update -g @angular/cli
First you uninstall your angular version used the command
> npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
then we can insatll letest angular version > npm insatll -g @angular/cli

Angular 18 |  Exciting Features of Angular 18
Angular 18 new features :

1.Angular 18 Standalone components -

In Angular 18 One of the most important features in Angular 18 is the standalone components. When Angular 18 UI Developer to create components that do not depend on Angular modules. This makes them more modular and easier to reuse different parts of an application and different projects. 
These Standalone components can mostly reduce the overhead associated with module management.

2.Angular 18 Server-side rendering (SSR)-

Angular 18 has been optimized for better performance and very ease to SSR integration. When you create new project at that time by default Angular 18 asks for server-side rendering (SSR) install your project or not .

SSR improve faster server-side hydration and also to better support for Angular Universal, 
SSR improvements help in reducing Time to Interactive (TTI),
SSR improves the overall user experience, especially in slower networks.

3.Angular material and CDK -
In Angular 18 UI Developer's point of view important improvement in Angular Material library,
and Component Dev Kit (CDK) in development kit updates to align with Angular 18’s new features. 
These improvements include new components, improved accessibility features, and performance optimizations.

4.Zone.js not used applications-
Angular big change in developers point of view is incorporating signals into applications without relying on zone.js. that the region angular signals not mandatory to crate Zone.js file, That the region optimization improves performance and navigation behavior.

5.Angular 18 TypeScript 4.7 support -
Angular 18 is mostly support latest version of TypeScript 4.7 versions allowing to use the latest TypeScript features and improvements.

> npm install -g tac 

6.ESM (ECMAScript Module) support -

Angular 18 is mostly supported by ECMAScript Modules (ESM), they belong with modern JavaScript standards. ECMAScript Module they supports better compatibility with other modern libraries and tools, They are mostly more efficient code splitting and loading that the region results is more faster initial load times and also smoother user experience.

7. Angular 18 Improved performance with Ivy -

Ivy is Angular’s new rendering engine, We can continue to improve performance and reduce bundle size. It mostly tree shaking capabilities to reduce the bundle size by removing unused code, leading to smaller production bundles and that the region project faster load times.

> Faster startup times
> Smaller bundle sizes
> Better overall performance


In this article we learn about Angular 18,how to Upgrade and install as well as latest features of Angular 18. Standalone components can lead to better tree-shaking, project build in smaller bundle sizes, and faster load times. Angular 18 error detection and debugging capabilities help in quickly fixing issues, In Angular 18 SSR updates make it easier to build performant and SEO-friendly applications. More efficient lazy loading strategies that mostly load only the necessary parts of the application when needed.

Angular 18 of ECMAScript Module supported better compatibility with other modern libraries and tools, Improved performance with Ivy, and also improved SSR improving the overall user experience, especially in slower networks.


1.Does Angular work with node 18?
Ans- Yes, Angular version 16 can used node vesion 18, the letest angular version is mandatory to updated node 18 version is important.

2.Which Angular version is best?
Ans- Angular Updated version angular 18 is still best in 2024.They improved performance in Faster startup times, Built in Smaller bundle sizes project,
Not used Zone.js file that region improves performance and navigation behavior. Angular 18 has been optimized for better performance and very ease to SSR integration.
In Angular 18 One of the most important features in Angular 18 is the standalone components. When Angular 18 UI Developer creates components that do not depend on Angular modules. 

3.Should I upgrade Angular?
Ans- yes, definitely we can definitely upgrade using the update command upgrade angular latest version.> npm update -g @angular/cli
first, you uninstall the latest version used the command
> npm uninstall -g @angular/cli and then used >npm install -g @angular/cli

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